The library

In the library space is a large wooden bookcase, richly decorated on its upper part with the inscription I.S. The letters are the initials of Isidre Sicart, first lord of the castle of the Sicart line.

Next to this room, where the lift and the stairs to the other floors are currently located, was a small chapel dedicated to Sant Isidre.

Isidre Sicart Torrents

Isidre Sicart i Torrents was awarded the pontifical noble title Count of Sicart by Pope Pius IX in 1875. Isidre Sicart i Torrents, who died in Barcelona in 1929, was the nephew of the first Marchioness of Vilanova i la Geltrú and became the first lord of Vila-seca castle on purchasing it in 1899. The property then remained in the family until 2005.
In Vila-seca, traditional horse races, known as the Cós of Sant Antoni Abat (Saint Anthony the Great), are held every year as part of the winter festival. They are protected as a Traditional Festive Element of National Interest. For many years this historic race was held on land owned by the castle, which is why one of the prizes is named after the Count of Sicart. At the beginning of the twenty-first century the Cós was moved to its current site in the Parc de la Torre d’en Dolça.

The Chapel


Capella del Castell de Vila-seca al 2004